Fun to learn
Fun to learn
faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa schiiifooooooooooooooooo
Cool app, sometimes gets boring
It was ok
It described me perfectly!!!
Spot on!
Easy and fun to do!
It really describes exactly. Thaks.. :))
This is a good game if you like to play the same games and get the same answer every time. (")> haha penguin
I believe in the meaning but not what my hand meant. Im definitely not outspoken and confident nor do I do well with public speaking. Im probs the worst at it.
Its pretty interesting and strangely accurate!
Great to use on the fly. Perfect guide
Very good reading surprising!
It was amazing
Well I thought I would learn about palm reading altogether. It was cool I learned about my own hand (not both just right) but I didnt learn much other than stuff I already know
Very accurate!
Its accurate, its just not what was expected. The information is all stuff that is already well known to the world.
Fun for the whole assortment of people
So very generic. It was about 50% accurate which is what I would expect from guessing.
Its pretty accurate.